Придружите нам се на пићу у среду, 22. фебруара 2017. године од 18ч. Налазимо се још једном у бару БОНДС у Мејферу, локација је на следећем линку. Видимо се тамо, Ваш ССК тим
Big Brother zakon Photo: Stock ...

Annual General Meeting 2022

SERBIAN COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2022 Dear Members and Non-Members, On behalf of the Management Committee it is my pleasure to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of the Serbian Council of Great Britain. The meeting will take place on Tuesday 22nd February at the Rocket Pub, 11-13 Churchfield Rd, Acton, London W3 6BD. The Annual General Meeting will begin at 6.30 pm and will be followed by an event for Young British Serbs and we hope to use this as an opportunity to find out what young people want and need to become more connected and active in the Serbian community. The Management Committee encourages members and non- members to attend the Annual General Meeting to find out about the work of the Serbian Council over the past year and to learn about future projects. The Officers and Management Committee will be elected at the AGM, and only those who have filled in membership forms and paid the membership fee will be eligible to stand or vote in the election ..

Support Trag Foundation

Trag is a leading foundation that encourage active involvement of Serbian citizens in social changes. It believes that ‘small’ changes are also very important and that every individual is able to contribute to development of Serbia through active involvement in a local life. Trag is giving an opportunity and help to the people and places where there are potential and will shown! This year Trag is celebrating 18 years of work in communities! Trag invites you to create together the first financial debt in the region for the development of local communities. With your support together, they can reach their goal! Trag is launching the first endowment fund for community development in the region. They wish to provide the support for all future enthusiasts, philanthropists and activists who will make Serbia and the Balkans a better place to live. The goal is $250,000, Over the past five years, they have collected US $240,280 from over 200 individual donors. There is $9,720 more to be co..
Vladika raško-prizrenski Artemije je ovih dana bio u Britaniji povodom obeležavanja desetogodišnjice NATO bombardovanja Srbije, gde je i kao član Američkog saveta za Kosovo, zajedno sa dr Srđom Trifkovićem, čelnikom Saveta iz čikaga, govorio našim dijasporcima u Londonu i Lesteru o stanju na Kosmetu deceniju posle akcije "Milosrdni anđeo"....
26th Jan – 3rd March 2018 London, Reading, Birmingham, Halifax, Corby, Bedford, Leicester, Peterborough, Tunbridge Wells We are very proud of the journey we have been on over the last decade especially when we look back to the beginning of that journey the first Serbian Week in Great Britain held in Leeds and London in 2008. What started with a few events in 2008, has grown from year to year to become Serbian Month with over thirty impressive events held in numerous towns around Britain. Over the last decade Serbian Month has taken place in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Reading, Birmingham, Norwich, Halifax, York, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Brighton, Tunbridge Wells, Forest Row, Maidenhead, Leamington Spa, Bedford, Corby, Leicester and Peterborough. Serbian Month was initiated by three organisations (Serbian Council of Great Britain, Serbian City Club and Serbian Society) and over time it has caught the imagination of over thirty organisations, numerous individuals, and the Serbian governm..
Ko je zapravo News Of The World, zašto je morao da ode, zašto se Velika Britanija ovoliko tresla zbog gašenja najčitanijeg nedeljnog tabloida, i šta sledi?Kada se u Britaniji ugasi dugogodišnja tradicija mora da je u pitanju slučaj masovnih društvenih proporcija. U prošlu nedelju iznenada je prestao da...

Вртна забава

БИС – Вртна забава, ће се одржати у суботу, 10. јуна у БИС Основној Школи, Ужичка 7а. Следи више детаља. Домаћин British International School Belgrade.

Zamalo linčovali čarlsa i Kamilu!

Napad anarhista i studenata na automobil britanskog princaMalo je falilo! Velika Britanija umalo nije ostala bez princa čarlsa i njegove supruge Kamile, nakon što je besna rulja studenata i anarhista napala njihovu limuzinu dok su bili na putu za pozorište.Više od 20.000 studenata okupilo se ispred zgrade britanskog parlamenta...

VB TV JOURNAL You Tube Channel

The Serbian Council of Great Britain in cooperation with numerous Serbian organisations marked the 10th anniversary since the start of the Serbian Month. This is a tradition of promoting the activities of associations representing Serbian community. The Council was established in 2004 and closely cooperates with all the associations that represent other communities from the Balkans. With the promotion of number of associations during the fair organized on March 3rd, a great specter of cultural and entertainment programs were also organised. Journalist Vojislav Brajovic prepared a report from this celebration, held in London: Serbian Fair, Final celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Serbian Month A graduated journalist, Vojislav Brajovic is the author of VB TV JOURNAL You Tube Channel – shorter name Vojislav Brajovic TV Journal, which works for a few years. The channel’s purpose is to announce and deliver information and reports on the most important events in London related to ..