Tek objavljeno kapitalno delo akademika dr Dragoljuba Živojinovića Nevoljni ratnici, velike sile i Solunski front ozbiljno je uzdrmala čitavu i ne samo našu savremenu istoriografiju. Dokumentacijom šokantne sadržine ova knjiga neprocenjive vrednosti u paramparčad raznela je dosadašnje teze o našim saveznicima i prijateljima. Otkrila srpske iluzije i zablude i...


Thursday 25th February 2021, 7.30pm, ZOOM Dear Members, On behalf of the Management Committee it is my pleasure to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of the Serbian Council of Great Britain. The meeting will take place by Zoom on Thursday 25th February 2021. If you wish to attend the meeting please email us info to info@serbiancouncil.org.uk so that you can be sent joining instructions for the meeting. The Annual General Meeting will begin at 7.30pm. The Management Committee encourages members and non- members to attend the Annual General Meeting to find out about the work of the Serbian Council over the past year and to learn about future projects. The Officers and Management Committee will be elected at the AGM, and only those who have filled in membership forms and paid the membership fee will be eligible to stand or vote in the election process. A membership form can be found here. The Management Committee encourages members to stand for the positions available for electio..

Kriza u evrozoni

Tri godine posle potpisivanja Lisabonskog ugovora EU, i institucionalne centralizacije - Portugal je jedna od zemalja zahvaćenih finansijskom krizom koja destabilizuje političko stanjeKriza zemalja evrozone, izazvana prezaduženošću više članica, pokazuje ove nedelje međusobnu zavisnost ekonomskih problema i političke nastabilnosti aktuelnih vlada zbog mera štednje koje preduzimaju - na primerima...
Догађај „На кафи са…“ Др. Мирјаном Милутиновић ће се одржати у четвртак 4. маја 2017. са почетком у 18:30 часова у просторијама Министарства Здравља, Richmond House 79 Whitehall SW1A 2NS Наша гошћа је оснивач и власница Гала Дент ординације, као и Гала бренда који укључује Гала арт, Гала лепоту и Гала инвестиције. Поред свог богатог стоматолошког искуства како у земљи, тако и у иностранству, докторка Милутиновић учествује на бројним семинарима и предавањима на пољу естетске стоматологије и медицинских процедура против старења. Докторка Милутиновић ће нам представити ситуацију у стоматолошкој индустрији у Србији као и потенцијал зубарског туризма. Догађај ће бити одржан на српском језику. Молимо вас да свој долазак обавезно потврдите путем мејла на natasha.kocsis@serbiancityclub.org, у супротном, нећете бити у могућности да уђете у зграду. Чланови са плавим чланством имају приоритет.
Around the Globe Piano Music Festival in November 2017 We would like to welcome you to AGPMF 2017 that will take place at the Study Society, Colet House, Talgarth Road, London W14 9DA on Sunday, 19th November 2017 from 10am till late. Around the Globe Piano Music Festival (AGPMF) is a piano competition open to Junior and Adult pianists of different levels, both amateur and professional. As well as traditional and classical music, the festival offers an exclusive syllabus on contemporary music within global/regional categories as well as jazz piano. The popularity and performing standards of this competition have risen considerably due to its unique focus, educational and performing values including the highly praised adjudicators’ written and spoken assessment after each performance. We are grateful for the great support from Serbian and English communities in UK and Serbia. In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to Composers Association of Serbia, Fine Art Escape Galle..
Saturday 14th – Sunday 15th September 2019 Contemporary Balkans ArtFestival of Southeast European documentary film (14-15 September) and photography (29 August – 15 September) Whole festival, CoBA page: http://contemporarybalkanart.com/unwanted-identities-storytelling-post-yugoslav-context/ RichMix https://richmix.org.uk/events/southeast-european-future-festival/ FB page Storytelling in the Post-Yugoslav Context
Around the Globe Music & Arts is inviting participants and audience to the 5th Annual Piano Competition, Around the Globe Piano Music Festival taking place on Sunday 2nd Dec 201,8 at The Study Society, Colet House, 151 Talgarth Road, London W14 9DA. Around the Globe Music Magazine, 1st Volume is now published and available online with its new look. There are many interesting blogs, reviews, articles about composers and their piano works to read including the topic on pianists’ occupational health. Read more about Lola Perrin, Branka Popovic, Vera Milankovic, Aleksandar Vujic, Vladimir Titov, John Kember, Melanie Spanswick, Lindsey Berwin and others. Magazine is available to download FREE online:http://agpianomusicfestival.co.uk/downloads/agpmf_magazine_2018.pdf AGPMF is an annual competition open to Junior and Adult pianists of various levels, both amateur and professional. As well as traditional and classical music, the festival offers an exclusive syllabus of piano styles including..


Već tri godine pri Srpskom društvu u Britaniji uspešno deluje londonska škola "za pačiće male" - decu koja su uglavnom ugledala svet van Srbije i idu u engleske školice i vrtiće. U najvećem broju slučajeva, budući da su većina iz mešovitih brakova, preti im da za koju godinu perfektno...
U Lesteru u Engleskoj protekle nedelje održana je tradicionalna manifestacija "Srpski dani", pod pokroviteljstvom Pokreta srpskih cetnika Ravne gore. Namera Pokreta je, prema recima clana glavne uprave, Maneta-Branka Sarica je da se ovakvi skupovi održavaju svake godine u Engleskoj, kako bi se nastavila tradicija, prekinuta NATO bombardovanjem Jugoslavije. Uvodnim govorom...
London, Beograd - Poslanici parlamenta Velike Britanije osnovali su grupu prijateljstva sa Srbijom, neformalno telo koje za cilj ima jačanje odnosa dve zemlje, pre svega kroz parlamentarnu diplomatiju.Grupa, oformljena u oktobru, okuplja poslanike iz svih značajnijih političkih partija, uključujući one najveće - Konzervativnu, Laburističku i Liberalno-demokratsku, a na njenom...