Конференцију иницирала премијерка Ана Брнабић Српски сити клуб је 28. децембра 2018. учествовао на једнодневној конференцији Таленти на окупу 1.0 која је у Палати Србија у Београду окупила преко 200 људи пореклом из Србије који раде или студирају у иностранству. На иницијативу премијерке Ане Брнабић, конференција је организована као један од...

Secanje na djenerala Drazu

Nedavno je u Londonu, u Srpskoj pravoslavnoj crkvi Sveti Sava, služena Sveta liturgija sa pomenom deneralu Draži Mihailovicu. Služili su protojereji Milun Kostic i Radomir Acimovic, i protodakon đorde Cekerevac. Komemoracija je nastavljena svecanom akademijom u spomen-domu episkopa Nikolaja Velimirovica u okviru "Proslave Dražina dana". Komemorativnu akademiju je otvorio Petar Mirkovic,...
Građani Velike Britanije mogli bi se u bliskoj budućnosti suočiti sa stalnom i opštom prismotrom, gde god krenuli. Najnovija "naprava" koja se koristi za nadzor je mali helikopter na daljinsko upravljanje koji može da nadleće gradske ulice i osmatra sumnjive osobe.Helikoptersko nadgledanje je, međutim, podgrejalo žučne rasprave o tome...

Hiljadu Srba radi u srcu Londona

Veliki broj ljudi iz naše zemlje zaposleno u prestižnom Sitiju. Plate visoke, kao i troškovi. Radi se od jutra do sutra, pa slobodnog vremena gotovo da nemaSRBI su okupirali i finansijski centar sveta - londonski Siti. Više od hiljadu naših ljudi zaposleno je u najprestižnijem londonskom kvartu, a iz...
U Lesteru u Engleskoj protekle nedelje održana je tradicionalna manifestacija "Srpski dani", pod pokroviteljstvom Pokreta srpskih cetnika Ravne gore. Namera Pokreta je, prema recima clana glavne uprave, Maneta-Branka Sarica je da se ovakvi skupovi održavaju svake godine u Engleskoj, kako bi se nastavila tradicija, prekinuta NATO bombardovanjem Jugoslavije. Uvodnim govorom...

The Quiz

After the concert we thought we should do something else that was new and fun and would help keep people’s spirits up during lockdown. We hit upon the brilliant idea of holding a quiz. We thought people could have fun testing their knowledge about Serbian and Serbs in Britain but combine it with raising money for the Round Table’s work in the Serbian language. We had a lot of fun ourselves drawing up the questions and learnt a lot more about all things Serbian. The quiz was held on Vidovdan, 28th June and was a lot of fun and the entry fee and generous donations raised £1000. Having gone so well we have decided to hold another quiz in the autumn, after the holidays.
General Krstić je simbol strašne nepravde učinjene našem narodu, a to što su ga trojica muslimanskih zatvorenika u engleskom zatvoru masakrirala trebalo bi da opomene da nisu prestali da nas razapinju, i da nam spremaju nove paklene mukeDa je kojim slučajem manijak pedofil albanske narodnosti, koji je silovao i...
Around the Globe Piano Music Festival in November 2017 We would like to welcome you to AGPMF 2017 that will take place at the Study Society, Colet House, Talgarth Road, London W14 9DA on Sunday, 19th November 2017 from 10am till late. Around the Globe Piano Music Festival (AGPMF) is a piano competition open to Junior and Adult pianists of different levels, both amateur and professional. As well as traditional and classical music, the festival offers an exclusive syllabus on contemporary music within global/regional categories as well as jazz piano. The popularity and performing standards of this competition have risen considerably due to its unique focus, educational and performing values including the highly praised adjudicators’ written and spoken assessment after each performance. We are grateful for the great support from Serbian and English communities in UK and Serbia. In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to Composers Association of Serbia, Fine Art Escape Galle..

Sprečio sam srpsku pobedu

Alister Kembel, glavni strateg propagandnog rata protiv SRJ: Bili smo u pravu što smo napali Jugoslaviju. Mišljenje ne menjam ni zbog slučaja TačiDrugi deo Dnevnika Alistera Kembela, savetnika bivšeg britanskog premijera Tonija Blera, stratega medijskog rata protiv Srbije i Jugoslavije sredinom devedesetih godina i jednog od najmoćnijih ljudi iz...


Serbian Month in Great Britain 2020 25th January – 9th March 2020London, Halifax, Reading, Bedford, Birmingham, Peterborough, Tunbridge Wells, York, Dorchester, Maidenhead, Barrowden It has been the tradition that Serbian Month begins with the celebration of St Sava taking place in numerous towns around Britain. From the 25th January Serbian Communities in London, Halifax, Reading, Bedford, Peterborough and Birmingham will hold colourful programmes which include performances by Serbian schools and folk-dance ensembles from Britain and KUD Sindjelic from Gothenburg, Sweden. The highlight of this traditional celebration is the St Sava’s Ball, Charity Dinner on Saturday 8th February at Copthorne Tara Hotel in Kensington, London. Special guests, the actress Ivana Zigon & soprano Tamara Radjenovic will be part of an exclusive programme, held in the presence of HRH Prince Phillip of Serbia & HRH Princess Danica of Serbia. Download the catalogue and programme here The first day of the Serbi..