The Serbian Council of Great Britain (SCGB) held its Annual General Meeting on Friday 23rd February at the Serbian Club, Bishop Nikolaj Community Centre.
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26th Jan – 3rd March 2018
London, Reading, Birmingham, Halifax, Corby, Bedford, Leicester, Peterborough, Tunbridge Wells
We are very proud of the journey we have been on over the last decade especially when we look back to the beginning of that journey the first Serbian Week in Great Britain held in Leeds and London in 2008.
What started with a few events in 2008, has grown from year to year to become Serbian Month with over thirty impressive events held in numerous towns around Britain. Over the last decade Serbian Month has taken place in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Reading, Birmingham, Norwich, Halifax, York, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Brighton, Tunbridge Wells, Forest Row, Maidenhead, Leamington Spa, Bedford, Corby, Leicester and Peterborough.
Serbian Month was initiated by three organisations (Serbian Council of Great Britain, Serbian City Club and Serbian Society) and over time it has caught the imagination of over thirty organisations, numerous individuals, and the Serbian governm..
Around the Globe Music & Arts is inviting participants and audience to the 5th Annual Piano Competition, Around the Globe Piano Music Festival taking place on Sunday 2nd Dec 201,8 at The Study Society, Colet House, 151 Talgarth Road, London W14 9DA.
Around the Globe Music Magazine, 1st Volume is now published and available online with its new look. There are many interesting blogs, reviews, articles about composers and their piano works to read including the topic on pianists’ occupational health. Read more about Lola Perrin, Branka Popovic, Vera Milankovic, Aleksandar Vujic, Vladimir Titov, John Kember, Melanie Spanswick, Lindsey Berwin and others.
Magazine is available to download FREE online:
AGPMF is an annual competition open to Junior and Adult pianists of various levels, both amateur and professional. As well as traditional and classical music, the festival offers an exclusive syllabus of piano styles including..
On behalf of the Management Committee it is my pleasure to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of the Serbian Council of Great Britain. The meeting will take place in the Serbian Club at Bishop Nikolaj Community Centre, 89 Lancaster Road, London W11 1QQ on Friday 23rd February 2018.
The Annual General Meeting will begin around 6.30pm and will be followed at 7.30 by the book launch ‘Death’s Sting: Duplicity and Deceit in the Balkans’ by Ewen Southby- Tailyour. The book launch is co-hosted by the Serbian Orthodox church of St Sava, London who will be providing refreshments following the book launch.
The Management Committee encourages members and non- members to attend the Annual General Meeting to find out about the work of the Serbian Council over the past year and to learn about future projects.
The Officers and Management Committee will be elected at the AGM, and only those who have filled in membership forms will be eligible to stand or vote in the election process. A member..
Serbian Month Catalogue is available HERE
This catalogue produced and designed by the Serbian Council of Great Britain is a special publication to celebrate and commemorate the tenth anniversary of Serbian Month in Great Britain. It not only lists this year full schedule of events, but it also contains information on Serbian organisations in Britain, as well as those working with Serbia, online communities and publications for British Serbs, and finally artists of Serbian origin leaving and working in Britain.
The post Tenth Anniversary of Serbian Month Catalogue with full programme and much more appeared first on Serbian Council of Great Britain.
Придружите нам се на пићу после посла у sredu, 12. јul од 18ч – касно.
PS Tattershall Castle
Адреса: Victoria Embankment, Westminster SW1A 2HR
Видимо се тамо,
You can view our Annual Newsletter with updates on our recent projects by clicking the link below.
Newsletter 2018 SCGB
The post Annual Newsletter Published appeared first on Serbian Council of Great Britain.
U Lesteru u Engleskoj protekle nedelje održana je tradicionalna manifestacija "Srpski dani", pod pokroviteljstvom Pokreta srpskih cetnika Ravne gore. Namera Pokreta je, prema recima clana glavne uprave, Maneta-Branka Sarica je da se ovakvi skupovi održavaju svake godine u Engleskoj, kako bi se nastavila tradicija, prekinuta NATO bombardovanjem Jugoslavije.
Uvodnim govorom...
Britansko-skandinavska eparhija Srpske pravoslavne crkve postala je bogatija za još jednu parohiju koja je osnovana u Dablinu, glavnom gradu Irske, gde živi oko 150 Srba. Parohija je formirana na osnovu blagoslova nadležnog vladike Dositeja Motike, a parohijski sveštenik je Žarko Nedić iz Bradforda u Engleskoj. U čast svetog Save...
Serb Map of the UK
June 1, 2013
Britić reveals the most comprehensive Serb map of Britain ever compiled.
Serbs have settled in Britain in post-war years and throughout
subsequent generations. And we have dispersed all over the country.
Indeed, fewer than twenty constituencies out of 646 have no Serb
households (that...