Like all other organisations the Serbian Council was knocked sideways by the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown and feared that it would have to cease its operations until things went back to a new normal. However, members of the Management Committee felt that it was unacceptable to go into hibernation and seemingly abandon members just at the time they needed the organisation most. The first challenge was to sort out how the Management Committee itself could meet during lockdown to discuss how the organisation could operate and what it could do in these unprecedented times. The solution was to use Zoom to hold virtual management committee meetings. These turned out to be much more successful than had been anticipated – the technology was easy to use and reliable, people could be involved wherever they were and people felt that their time was being used efficiently and effectively because they weren’t wasting time travelling to meetings. This positive experience liberated the management..

Support Trag Foundation

Trag is a leading foundation that encourage active involvement of Serbian citizens in social changes. It believes that ‘small’ changes are also very important and that every individual is able to contribute to development of Serbia through active involvement in a local life. Trag is giving an opportunity and help to the people and places where there are potential and will shown! This year Trag is celebrating 18 years of work in communities! Trag invites you to create together the first financial debt in the region for the development of local communities. With your support together, they can reach their goal! Trag is launching the first endowment fund for community development in the region. They wish to provide the support for all future enthusiasts, philanthropists and activists who will make Serbia and the Balkans a better place to live. The goal is $250,000, Over the past five years, they have collected US $240,280 from over 200 individual donors. There is $9,720 more to be co..


Thursday 25th February 2021, 7.30pm, ZOOM Dear Members, On behalf of the Management Committee it is my pleasure to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of the Serbian Council of Great Britain. The meeting will take place by Zoom on Thursday 25th February 2021. If you wish to attend the meeting please email us info to so that you can be sent joining instructions for the meeting. The Annual General Meeting will begin at 7.30pm. The Management Committee encourages members and non- members to attend the Annual General Meeting to find out about the work of the Serbian Council over the past year and to learn about future projects. The Officers and Management Committee will be elected at the AGM, and only those who have filled in membership forms and paid the membership fee will be eligible to stand or vote in the election process. A membership form can be found here. The Management Committee encourages members to stand for the positions available for electio..
Big Brother zakon Photo: Stock ...
LONDON, 10. avgust 2011, (Njuz) – Unija huligana Pekama danas je predstavila na svom sajtu novi zaštitni znak demonstracija na ulicama Londona. U pitanju je čuveno autorsko delo doktora Miće Jovanovića, vlasnika Megatrend univerziteta, bilbord sa fotografijom Londona na kome piše Završi megatrend i pali.Portparol londonskih huligana Bojsi MekKraken...
Sad mi je super. A kako mi je bilo tih 12 dana koje sam proveo u zatvoru, nevin samo zato što se isto zovem kao čovek za kojim je raspisana poternica, to znamo samo ja i moja porodica - supruga, ćerka i sin - kaže u razgovoru za Blic...

Jazz Guitar Courses by Branco Stoysin

Acclaimed guitarist/composer/tutor Branco Stoysin’s JAZZ GUITAR COURSES London Course begins on 24th September at one-and-only City Lit College, 1-10 Keeley St, London WC2B 4BA. Enrolments: 020 7831 7831 Jazz GT1, City Lit, London, starts 24 Sept 2017, for 12 weeks, at 2pm Jazz GT2, City Lit, London, starts 24 Sept 2017, for 12 weeks, at 5:15pm Dillington An exclusive intensive course, Jazz Guitar Primer, starts on 17th November for 3 whole days, in Dillington, the most beautiful setting of Somerset, England. Dillington House, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9DT Enrolments: 01460 258 648 The post Jazz Guitar Courses by Branco Stoysin appeared first on Serbian Council of Great Britain.
Bonds Придружите нам се на пићу после посла у среду, 24. маја од 18ч – касно. Све детаље бара у којем се налазимо можете наћи ОВДЕ. Видимо се тамо, ВАШ ССК ТИ

Позив на гласање

У приложеном писму ССК излаже своје виђење тренутног система гласања у Републици Србији и дијаспори и како се оно може унапредити. За све додатне информације и/или уколико желите да се укључите у нашу акцију, јавите се на ПИСМО МОЖЕТЕ ПРЕУЗЕТИ ОВДЕ


Velika nam je radost što večeras imamo priliku da baš sa našim dragim gostima iz Londona zaokružimo ovogodišnju svetosavsku nedelju koju smo posvetili našem velikom svetom Savi, rekao je sveštenik Milan Pejić pred prepunom salom Svetosavskog centra u Hanoveru. - Nema razlike kada se iz jednog hrama Svetog Save...