Zajednica Srba na Malti – Maltese-Serbian Community Official Notice

U Oktobru ove godine zvanicno je osnovano Maltesko-Srpsko udruzenje.
Ideja o osnivanju ove volonterske organizacije se rodila 2008 godine u toku posete Ministra Spoljnih poslova Srbije Gospodina Vuka Jeremica Malti, a na predlog Malteskog Predsednika Gospodina Dzordza Abele.
U toku te posete sastala se grupa nasih ljudi koji rade i zive na Malti sa Srpskom Ambasadorkom u Rimu, G-djom Raskovic-Ivic u cijoj je nadledoznosti i Malta. Tom prilikom smo je, pored ostalog, upoznali i sa inicijativom da se osnuje Maltesko-Srpsko udruzenje sto je ona svesrdno podrzala. Ova grupa od desetak ljudi pripremila je plan za osnivanje udruzenja i predlozili su mene da budem prvi radni predsednik sto sam ja I prihvatio. U toku letnjih meseci uspeli smo da sastavimo statut i pravilnik o radu Udruzenja.

Ukratko, Maltesko-Srpsko udruzenje je volonterska organizacija, koja se sama finasira i po zakonu nema prava da ostvaruje bilo kakve prihode za svoje clanove. Delatnost kojom ce se baviti je bolje upoznavanje i priblizavanje dve nacije kroz raznovrsne kulturne, ekonomske, umetnicke i verske delatnosti. Jedna od glavnih aktivnosti Udruzenja ce biti pomoc nasim clanovima u resavanju zdravstvenih i pravnih problema, kao i pomoc u uspostavljanju privrednih kontakata ukoliko takvo interesovanje izraze obe strane.

Udruzenje nazalost trenutno nema prostorije, svoju web stranicu i sluzbeni telefon. Svako ko je zainteresovan i u mogucnosti je da nam pomogne oko resavanja ovih logistickih problema, moze da nas kontaktira na gore navedeni kontakt telefon.
Planiramo da cemo u toku Januara zakazati generalnu skupstinu, ali o tome cemo vas naknadno obavestiti.

Clanovi glavnog odbora su:

Predsednik : Dr. Predrag- Pedja Andrejevic
Podpredsednik: Mr. Martin Mangion, BOV Bank Manager
Generalni Sekretar: G-din Milan Pajic
Blagajnik: G-din Milos Radakovic
Odnosi sa janvoscu: Mr. Alan Mangion, Investment Consultant

Detaljnije informacije mozete dobiti od G-dina Milana Pajica, koji je velikodusno dao broj svog mobilnog telefona za buduce kontakte. U prilogu ovom e-mail mozete da nadjete statut Maltesko-Srpskog udruzenja.

Na kraju bih Svima pozeleo,
Srecnu i uspesnu Novu 2011-u Godinu i blagodetne Bozicne Praznike!

Sa postovanjem,

P. Andrejevic

Dear all,

In October this year the Maltese-Serbian Community was officially established.

The idea of establishing this voluntary organization was born in 2008 during a visit by the Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Vuk Jeremic, and on the proposal of the Maltese President, his Excellency George Abela.

During that visit, a group of Serbian people who work and live in Malta met with the Serbian ambassador to Rome, Ms. Sanda Raskovic-Ivic, who is also responsible for relations with Malta. On this occasion we have, among other things, discussed the initiative to establish a Serbian-Maltese association that she wholeheartedly supported. Afterwards, a plan for the establishment of the association was drawn up and I have been asked to be the first working president of the organization, which I accepted. During the summer months we have managed to compile the statute and rules of Association for the organization which we called the Maltese-Serbian Community.

In short, the Maltese-Serbian Community is a voluntary, non-governmental and non-profit organization. The organization will focus on promoting a better understanding and closer ties between the two nations through a variety of cultural, economic, artistic and religious activities. One of the main activities of the Association is to help our members in resolving health and legal problems as well as assistance in establishing business contacts between Maltese and Serbian entrepreneurs.

Currently, the Maltese-Serbian Community unfortunately does not have its own premises, website or business phone. Anyone who is interested and is able to help us in solving these logistical problems can contact us on the above phone number.
Our plan is to hold a general meeting of the MSC by the end of January; however we will be informing you of the exact date, venue and time at a later stage.

The founding Executive Committee members are:

President: Dr. Predrag-Pedja Andrejevic
Vice President: Mr.. Martin Mangion, BOV Bank Manager
General Secretary: Mr. Milan Pajic
Treasurer: Mr. Milos Radakovic
Information Secretary: Mr. Alan Mangion, Investment Consultant

More information can be obtained from Mr. Milan Pajic, who kindly gave his mobile phone number for the time being as the main contact point for the Community. Attached to this e-mail you can also find the MSC Statute for your kind perusal.

Finally, I would like to wish everyone a Happy and prosperous New Year and a Merry Christmas!


P. Andrejevic

Maltese-Serbian Community
11th October 2010

Chapter I – Objectives

Article 1

The Maltese-Serbian Community is a Non-Governmental, non-profit-making Organization. Its main objective is to contribute and promote a closer understanding between Serbia and Malta in all appropriate fields of activity and relationship, excluding political activities.

Article 2

The main objectives of the Maltese-Serbian Community are:
• Promoting closer cultural, social and economic co-operation between Serbia and Malta.
• The promotion of activities that further the above mentioned co-operation.
• The establishment of close relations with other organizations that promote cross-cultural dialogue.

Article 3

The registered office of the Organization is registered in the city of Sliema. At present it is as follows:

Panorama Flats, Flat 4,
Triq Mattew Pulis,
Sliema, SLM 3015

Chapter II – Membership

Article 4

The membership of this Organization is open to all permanent or temporary residents in Malta of Serbian or Maltese nationality, not below the age of 18 years. However, students between the ages of 14 and 18 are accepted as Junior Members. Persons living outside Malta are accepted as Supporting Members.

Article 5

5.1. Applicants for membership are required to fill in one printed and signed application form.

5.2. The Executive Committee reserves the right to reject any application for membership to the Organization.

5.3. The annual subscription for individual membership is €10. Additional members from the same family can pay €5 each.

5.4. Membership expires automatically on the 31st December each year.

5.5. The membership subscription can be changed by the Executive Committee and as duly approved by the General Assembly.

Chapter III – Decision Making Bodies

Article 6

The Decision Making Bodies in the Maltese-Serbian Community shall be the Executive Committee and the General Assembly

Article 7

7.1 The General Assembly shall be the supreme body of the Organization and shall consist of all full individual members accepted according to Chapter II, and having duly paid their annual subscription fee, as well as the Honorary Presidents. The General Assembly shall be convened at least once a year, possibly towards the end of the year and the Secretary General presents the annual report and the Treasurer presents the annual accounts. Every two years, the General Assembly will elect the Executive Committee as well as two auditors to audit the financial accounts of the Organization. Half of the members of the organization shall constitute a quorum. However, should a quorum not be achieved, the meeting will proceed after 15 minutes with the members present. The Executive Committee may call an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly should the need arise. Half of all the members plus one of the Organization may call on the Executive Committee to convene a meeting of the General Assembly which will have to be called within a period of four weeks.

7.2 The General Assembly shall elect five persons to form the Executive Committee. It can also elect an Honorary Life President on a motion by the Executive Committee. The election shall be held every two years during a meeting held in terms of article 7.1 or at any other meeting the General Assembly called for that purpose following the approval of a motion of censure duly motivated and approved by two thirds majority of those present at the General Assembly. The working body of the organization shall be the Executive Committee. The General Assembly shall elect the Executive Committee every two years.

Article 8

8.1 The Executive Committee shall deal with all matters involving the scope and policy of the Organization.

8.2 The first meeting of the newly elected Executive Committee shall be presided by the outgoing President or in his absence by any such person nominated for the purpose by the Committee members present at the meeting. The Committee shall elect the following officials from within its members by means of a vote were the majority shall consist of 50 per cent plus one of all the members present and voting: The President, the Vice President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer and the Information Secretary. The Executive Committee shall draw up its internal rules of procedure and may choose to elect from among its members officials to fill posts designated by the said Committee besides those mentioned in this sub-article. The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members for a specified time period and who shall not enjoy the right to vote during proceedings. The Honorary Life President has the right to attend all meetings of the Executive Committee as well as the right to vote in the General Assembly. The Executive Committee may also nominate Honorary Presidents who shall have no official function within the Executive Committee.

8.3 The President, the Vice President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer and the Information Secretary shall constitute the Administrative Committee of the Maltese-Serbian Community and they shall meet regularly on a monthly basis to discharge the day-to-day business and administration of the Organization, to prepare policy positions and other initiatives for discussion and approval by the Executive Committee and to take and implement urgent decisions as may be necessary.

8.4 When a seat in the Executive Committee is vacated it shall be filled by the runner-up following the order of the results of the election in the last General Assembly. In case there are no runner-ups, the Executive Committee shall be empowered to co-opt any other person from among the members of the Organization. The person thus co-opted shall have full voting rights.

8.5 Members of the Executive Committee absenting themselves for three consecutive meetings without due justification and notification may be deemed to have vacated their seat and the procedure described in 8.4 is put in motion automatically.

Chapter IV – Duties of Officials

Article 9

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the General Assembly. He/She shall be responsible for the proper conduct of business at all meetings. The President shall have a vote and a casting vote and shall sign the minutes when approved. He/She shall have the power to summon the meetings of the Executive Committee. He/She shall also summon the General Assembly following a decision to that effect by the Executive Committee in accordance with the provisions of this statute.

Article 10

The Vice-President shall substitute the President in the latter’s absence.

Article 11

The Secretary General shall conduct the business of the Organization in accordance with the provisions of this statute and shall carry out the instructions of the General Assembly and Executive Committee. The Secretary General shall prepare the agenda of all the meetings in conjunction with the President and shall record the minutes. The Secretary General shall co-ordinate the work of the other officials of the Executive Committee and shall also prepare a report to be presented to the annual General Assembly. Jointly with the President and the Treasurer, the Secretary General shall sign all cheques issued in the name of the Organization. The Secretary General shall be responsible for all correspondence.

Article 12

The Treasurer shall be responsible for presenting the business plan for the approval of the Executive Committee, for the design and issue of subscription forms, for the collection of subscriptions and donations and for the issue of membership cards signed by the Secretary General. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the financial dealings of the Organization. This person shall also prepare a financial statement whenever so requested by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall deposit all the funds of the Organization according to the directives given from time to time by the Executive Committee. Any such funds cannot be withdrawn except with the joint authority of the President, Secretary General and the Treasurer.

Article 13

The Information Secretary shall be responsible for preparing a marketing plan, liaison with all the media, the issue of press statements which may be approved from time to time by the Organization.

Chapter V – General and Final Provisions

Article 14

This statute may only be amended by the General Assembly having a two-thirds majority of members present, provided that the agenda and a copy of all proposed amendments have been duly circulated to all members at least fifteen days prior to the meeting.

Article 15

In all cases entailing legal action in the interests of the Organization, the official representatives shall be the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer.

Article 16

The General Assembly shall have the power to interpret this statute and to give rulings on questions relating to it.

Chapter VI – Dissolution

Article 17

The Organization may only be dissolved by the General Assembly at an extra-ordinary meeting called specifically for the purpose and approved by five-sixths of the members present and voting.

Article 18

Upon dissolution, half of the assets of the Organization shall be transferred to the Serbian Orthodox Church in Malta, while the second half shall be equally transferred to the Puttinu Cares Foundation, Rainbow Ward, Mater Dei, Malta and the Center for protection of newborn, small children and youth, Zvečanska Street, Belgrade.